
Welcome to Magdalyn Fiore Editing! I’m Magdalyn “Maggie” Fiore, and I’m here to help you strengthen your writing by lending my writing expertise and professional editing eyes to your hard work. I primarily edit nonfiction academic work, including theses, dissertations, scholarship applications, book chapters, and essays, but I also edit marketing materials and professional emails. If you need an editor for a type of work not listed above, feel free to send me an email describing the piece, and I may be able to help! 

Why should you hire an editor?

Because even the best writers need careful editors. Clear communication is necessary to success and integral to spreading innovation, inspiration, and knowledge. Writing puts ideas on paper; editing makes sense of those ideas. As your editor, my goal is to help you communicate your ideas in the most effective and clear way possible while preserving your voice and vision throughout the writing. 

More information about my qualifications can be found in the About Me tab at the top of the page. If you have any questions, check out the FAQs tab or email me at magdalynfiore@gmail.com. I look forward to working together! 

Write on, my friend!